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Dear Tenacre Community,

I am thrilled to announce the Board of Trustees, at its meeting on April 28, unanimously agreed to move forward with the construction of the Christian B. Elliot Community Center. With close to $7.4 million in gifts and pledges raised to date, the Board determined that the necessary funding was in place to begin construction. Thanks to the generosity of so many in our community, along with the dedicated work of the Tenacre Building Committee and the outstanding leadership of the Campaign Steering Committee, we are hoping to break ground the day after camp ends this summer. We are currently working with the Town of Wellesley to secure our permitting and finalize our plans.
We know that the Christian B. Elliot Community Center – like the new Science Center that opened this fall - will transform our school while at the same time preserving what is so special about Tenacre. More importantly, we know what a tremendous impact it will have on our children. Our community has shown its commitment to keep Tenacre “at the forefront” of elementary education for many years to come. The Board is confident that the entire Tenacre family will step forward to contribute the remaining $1.6 million we need to reach our overall campaign goal of $9 million.

On May 3, Chris Elliot held a community forum to discuss the impact of construction on the 2016-2017 school year and the preliminary plans that have been put in place. If you were unable to make the meeting on May 3rd, there will be two additional informational gatherings on the evening of Tuesday May 24th and the morning of Wednesday, May 26th. The school will be sending more information on these gatherings in May.

This is a tremendously exhilarating time for Tenacre. Onward and upward!

J. Stuart Ablon, Ph.D.
Chair of the Board of Trustees