List of 25 items.

  • Kelley Heyworth

    Chair of the Board of Trustees
  • Catie Lee Smith '92

    Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees
  • Beth Hamory

    President of the Corporation
  • Warren Cross, Jr. ’77

    Treasurer of the Corporation
  • Jessica Reece

    Clerk of the Corporation
  • Will Crissman

    Head of School
  • Judith Beswick

  • Patricia Cadet

  • Corey Cofield '97

  • Tom Costin

  • Paul Czerwinski

  • Sherrie Delinsky

  • Ryan Dow

  • Sylvia Exantus

  • Kenyon Grogan

  • Kysha Harding

  • Carla Higgins

  • Sue Kilbride

  • Todd MacDowell

  • Graham Masiiwa

  • Patricia Mordas

  • Peter Reed

  • Alexander Zavratsky

  • Christian Elliot

    Trustee Emeritus
  • Dennis H. Grubbs

    Trustee Emeritus