At different times during the school year, Tenacre hosts activities for children in surrounding local communities. We love our school and look forward to introducing you to our teachers and the Tenacre campus. We hope you will take the opportunity to participate in one of our Community Events!

Story Time Saturdays: Winter 2025

Join us on the Tenacre campus this winter for a fun, thematic story time program geared toward 3- and 4-year-olds. Each session will be held in the Tenacre library and will be a separate unit taught by one of Tenace’s pre-kindergarten or kindergarten teachers. After reading a story to the group, the session teacher will lead an engaging, theme-based activity for the children.

February 8: Sparkling Snow
Join us to read all about snow and make your own snowflake craft. 

February 15: Frosty Snowmen
Join us to read all about snowmen and make your own snowman craft.

February 22: Bundle Up
Join us to read all about winter weather and make your own cozy craft.
Story Time will start at 9:00 a.m. and run for about 45 minutes. 
Story Time is free of charge, but registration is required so that we can make sure that there are enough craft supplies for each child. Please register using the button below..
If you have any questions, please contact Megan Delaney at the following email address:

Learn more about Tenacre

If you would like to learn more about Tenacre Country Day School, please contact Meg Burke in our Admissions Office at 781-235-2282 or

Directions to Tenacre

Routes 135 and 16 intersect in Wellesley Center at a main set of lights (a five-way intersection). At this intersection, take Grove Street, which is the road between Anderson's Jewelers and Tutto Italiano. Follow Grove Street 1/2 mile past Dana Hall School. Take a left onto Benvenue Street. The school is the first drive on the left.

If you are attending an athletic event, there is parking next to Centennial Field. Use the Tenacre driveway entrance on Grove Street, between Dana Hall and Benvenue Street.